An article from 2010 by Glenn Bullock
(left, Westfield Chief Frank Lowy talks shop with office boy, Gordon Brown)
(Westfield-Marriott "terror" attacks in bold)
(Westfield-Marriott "terror" attacks in bold)
is a story about the occult symbolism in the logos of two prominent
real estate companies, Westfield Group and Marriott Hotels, and how both
have been the target of "terrorist" attacks from which they profited
handsomely, thanks to their insurance.
I'd like to show you a "cipher included" word code used by the Westfield and Marriott companies; they use virtually the same one. We'll start with the word Westfield.
I'd like to show you a "cipher included" word code used by the Westfield and Marriott companies; they use virtually the same one. We'll start with the word Westfield.
The Westfield
Company is the world's largest publicly listed retail property group.
They are Larry Silverstein's partner at the World Trade Center. The
thing to notice with
this logo is the unusual font type. It's unique, no other font type has
an f so
large it obscures another letter; in this case the dot above the i is
to make room for it!
This is the clue that reveals
the cipher; it shows 'dots removed'! How to apply that to discover the puzzle's
meaning is next! We have to find where the dots have been removed and replace
them to progress!
The W used in Westfield is unlike western W's, because it isn't singularly
that! W in that font is also a Hebrew letter that makes two
sounds. The letter is called Shin or Sin.
If a dot were placed above
the right hand upright the letter is Shin, it makes the Sh sound. If a dot is
placed above the left hand upright it's called Sin, and makes the Sss sound. If
dots were placed over both we have Shh and Sss.
Shh means secret and Ssss
represents the serpent, Secret Serpent, but only when dots are replaced. Stick
with me it builds!
The Hebrew letter Shin/Sin
has a special meaning for Jews as its three upright lines represent the three
valleys that converge on Jerusalem!
The letter Shin/Sin with dots replaced is Secret Serpent of Jerusalem!
It goes a little deeper yet!
Take a look at the middle letters t f i on the Westfield logo. They join to form the letter M. A central
figure in Serpent Cult (Illuminati) worship is Moloch. The singular use of M
represents Moloch.
Moloch was worshiped by the
Ammonite tribe who lived in Canaan before Moses and Joshua showed up. The following
troubled period of years were called "the mingling", during which time the
tribes and knowledge of Jews and Ammonites mingled to some degree! This mingled
knowledge is an integral part of modern Freemasonry!
The Masonic Pillars of Wisdom, Strength and Beauty
forming the letter Shin.
So far in the word puzzle we
see 'Secret Serpent of Jerusalem' and 'Moloch,' encrypted and represented in the
one word, Westfield, but there's a little more yet.
The word Westfield refers to a significant Occult place. The Egyptians
believed it was bad medicine to have the Sun cast the shadow of the dead
Pharaohs over the land in the morning or day; so they always buried them to the
west of the Nile, in the west field.
The shadow of the dead was then
cast over the land at night from the west field, when Horus the Sun was killed
each night by his opposite, Set, at Sun-Set. Westfield in the Egyptian tradition means place of the death of
Horus and, place of the buried dead. Egyptian traditions are also an integral
part of modern Freemasonry, which is the religion of Zionism!
Adding together the
components of the Westfield word puzzle we get Secret Serpent of Jerusalem
place of death/dead, with honor to Moloch a god of Human sacrifice shown in
the manufactured M, to whom the sacrifice is traditionally 'passed through the
flames unto Moloch'!
The Marriott Company uses
virtually the same W type as Westfield, but flipped over to an M for their logo; which
includes the encrypted 'Secret Serpent of Jerusalem'. The dot of the i of the Marriott
logo is simply omitted to show dots removed.
I think the Marriott Family
Company and Westfield have attracted some bad luck using these symbols.
They must be the unluckiest property owners in the world!
Westfield has had so much bad luck:
9/11: New York, WTC complex buildings one, two, seven and Westfield
Hotel demolished in terror attack. Silverstein and Westfield pocketed $4.5 Billion from 9/11.
21 Sept 05: Westfield Mall, Perth,
Australia: bomb scare.
17 May 06: Westfield, Woden, Australia: bomb scare
21 July 07: Court house
adjacent Westfield Centre Derby, England: bomb scare causing evacuation of Westfield premises.
01 March 08: Westfield Old
Orchard Mall, Skokie, Illinois: bomb scare.
20 April 09: Westfield Hotel Annapolis: bomb scare during Americas next top model competition.
Marriott have also had such
bad luck I thought I'd list it:
20 Sept' 08: Marriott Hotel, Islamabad, Pakistan: blown up.
17 July 08: Marriott Hotel, Jakarta: blown up.
17 July 08: Ritz Carlton Hotel,
Jakarta: blown up.
Further investigation revealed
the Ritz Carlton Company is owned by Marriott!
You may think at this stage
that the cipher included word code and I are nuts; but you'll have to agree
with me that to lose the Twin Towers, Building Seven, the WTC complex Westfield
Hotel, the Islamabad Marriott, the Jakarta Marriott and the Marriott owned
Jakarta Ritz Carlton, on top of all those bomb scares, is a really bad run of
luck between the Westfield and Marriott companies!
Just to add to the fun the
2008 Bilderberg group meeting was held in Chantilly Virginia at the Westfields Marriott Hotel. Aren't we lucky it
didn't blow up!
In February 2009 Westfield owned 119 shopping malls worldwide. One of them is in
my home City Derby, England. The Westfield shopping centre is built on an ancient Druid
sacrifice site in the City Centre called "The Spot." Westfield also recently built a Hotel in Cannock, England; it is a huge four sided Owl which represents Moloch
of Canaan, Arianrhod the Owl god of the Druids and Minerva of the Greek
tradition, it is also built on an ancient Druid sacrifice site! These sites are
not thick on the ground!
If any person out there knows
of any other points of interest or 'terror incidents' involving Westfield,
Marriott or other companies they own, please let me know at Because
they do seem to have a lot of bad luck!
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